Flor Azul, municipality of Morocelí, department of El Paraíso.
The knowledge acquired in the sowing and cultivation of sweet potato, pumpkin, beans and corn, has allowed us to obtain strategic alliances with solid companies that guarantee technical assistance and the distribution of our products, guaranteeing access to export channels.
The training and application of cutting-edge agricultural techniques in sowing and harvesting in the production of fruits and vegetables, guaranteeing the distribution channels in the national and international market.
- Installation of a drip irrigation system for 52 acres, usable in irrigation rotation for one hour in 2 lots with 78,000.00 gallons of water stored in a pile.
- Acquisition of technical knowledge in specialized crops
- Installation of a Greenhouse of 100 x 30 Mts 2.
- Activation of two water wells for irrigation of crops with a capacity for pumping 115 gallons per minute.
- Signing of cooperation and commercialization agreements with agricultural companies of recognized trajectory.
- Repair of machinery for crops.
- Installation of office equipment.
- Acquisition of equipment that guarantees health and safety conditions at work.
- Generation of 50 direct jobs.
- Generation of indirect sources of work.
- Donation in kind to non-profit institutions and beneficiaries.
- The existing resources guarantees future crops production.